Monday, December 30, 2013

Santería Initiation: The Warriors

Many of the Orishas in Santería are considered to be warriors.  When one goes through the initiation called The Warriors, they will receive four of them:
  • Elegua
  • Ogun
  • Ochosi
  • Osun
This combination of Orishas is a very powerful protection and defense system that one can have.  On top of this, they also open up doors to many blessings and remove obstacles from your path.

In order to prepare for the ceremony, try to learn as much as you can about the four Orishas above, asking your Godparent's questions about their colors, characteristics, natural representations, and their Patakí.

On the day of the ceremony, you will simply need to arrive at your Godparent's house on time, wearing a pair of clothes that you don't mind getting messy.

After receiving The Warriors, you will bring them to your house.  Before you enter, you will need to sprinkle your front door with three drops of water to freshen your house, so that it will remain fresh and calm as long as they live their.  

Elegua, Ogun, and Ochosi will live on the floor by your front door.  They live there so that they can see everyone that enters your house.  Sometimes as humans we are not the best judges of character and can be blind to people's negative characteristics.  These Orishas, however, see things that we don't, and live by the front door to protect you from negative influences and deception.  They can also turn away strangers that would like to enter with bad intentions and divert the police from knocking on your door.

Osun will live in a high place in your house above your head.  Osun is a warning system and his principal mission is to alert you of troubles to come.  If you find he has fallen over, call your Godparents immediately and try to stay at home until you have had the chance to speak with them.  You will want to remain as calm as possible for the next seven days, only leaving for work or school.

There are a few things you can do to care for your Warriors after they have entered the house.  As with any of the Orishas, you may not be nude in front of them.  On Mondays you should try to leave them an offering.  They generally like Otí Bembe {Rum, Aguardiente, or some type of liquor}, cigars, Atanas {Candles}, Oñi {honey}, and Epo {palm oil}.  Elegua is seen as a little kid, and therefore likes toys and sweets of all kinds.

Santería Initiation: Necklaces {Elekes}

The Elekes are beautiful necklaces made out of colored beads that represent the different Orishas.  When one wears an Eleke, they are summoning the presence of the Orisha and that Orisha will accompany them while they are wearing it, protecting the person from harm and bringing him or her blessings.

One of the first major initiations that an Aleyo can do is to receive the five Elekes of some of the most popular, powerful, and common Orishas in the Yoruba pantheon:
  • Elegua - Red and black
  • Oshun - Yellow and copper
  • Yemeya - Blue and transparent
  • Chango - Red and white
  • Obatala - White
The ceremony of the Eleke's, also known as the Half-Seating, marks the beginning of one's dedication to the Orisha and should only be considered once one has studied the religion sufficiently and has decided that this will forever be their religion.

Before receiving your Eleke's, you should seek out the guidance of a trusted and reputable Santero and ask him or her to be your Godfather/Godmother.  If they accept you {in some cases their Guardian Angel will need to accept you as well}, you can set a date with them.

To best prepare, ask them a lot of questions.  You should be very familiar with the five Orishas listed above.  Try to learn their numbers, colors, natural representations, Catholic syncretizations, feast days, and several Patakí {stories} that accompany them.  Please note that the ceremony itself is a closely guarded secret, so they will not be able to give you any details about what will happen, but the information about each Orisha should be openly shared.  Be wary of a Santero that doesn't want to answer these types of questions.

On the day of the ceremony, arrive to your Godparents' house on time.  You will need to bring a white towel, a pair of clothes you don't mind losing, and the following items with you:

For men, this will be:
  • Shoes
  • Socks
  • Pants
  • Underwear
  • Shirt
  • Hat
For women:
  • Shoes/Socks or Heels {Depending on the weather}
  • Skirt and Blouse or Dress
  • Underwear
After the ceremony has been completed, you will need to go straight home and should not leave until the next day, so make sure you have your schedule clear.

Caring for your necklaces is fairly simple.  You should wear them as much as possible.  If you can't wear them for whatever reason, try to at least keep them with you wrapped up in a white cloth in your pocket or purse.

There are certain times that you may not wear them.  First and foremost, you may not wear them when you are having sexual relations of any kinds.  Avoid wearing them during any types of physical activity.  Finally, remove them before sleeping.

If one of them breaks, call your Godparents immediately.  Don't worry, this is not a bad thing.  It is called Ebo Eleke, and means that the Orisha was saving you from a bad situation.  Your god parents will prepare a new Eleke for you.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Palo Initiation: The Scratching {Rayamiento}

Initiating into Palo is a very big step that one can take in their life and spiritual practices.  This is a fairly lengthy and complicated ceremony that should not be taken lightly.  As with any ceremony, I can't go into any detail of what transpires, but their are a few things that you should know in order to prepare for this initiation.

Before initiating, you should learn as much as you can about the religion of Palo.  If you are attracted to the religion and feel that it could benefit you, then you should seek a Palo house and choose your God Parents.

As with any Afrocuban religions, take your time with this.  This ceremony will forever tie you to your God Parents' prenda, and there is no going back.  Because of this, you will want to do your due diligence and make sure that you have chosen the correct house and correct God Parents.  I can't emphasize this enough.

Many religious houses insist that everyone should initiate into Palo before having their Guardian Angel crowned in Santería.  This is false information, and this should be a good indication that you are not working with the correct Palo house.  Palo is not in everyone's destiny, and before any type of ceremony can be performed, the prenda and spirit of the prenda must first be consulted and asked for permission.  In my religious house, it seems to be a minority of people that have permission to pass into the world of Palo.

In order to ask the prenda permission, your god father will need your complete name and date of birth.  If the prenda says no, then you should accept that and understand that Palo is not for you.  If it says yes, then you can begin to plan your initiation.

The first step will be to set a date.  It should be noted that women can not be in the presence of the prenda during their menstruation cycle, so make sure that you schedule around this.  Their are certain aspects of the ceremonies that have to be planned in advance and costs associated with each part, so if you do not schedule appropriately their may be a certain amount of the rights that will be lost if you have to change dates at the last minute.

The second step is to present yourself to the prenda and pay your rights.  Your god parents will guide your through this and instruct you on the proper way to do this.

On the day of the ceremony, make sure that you dress appropriately and bring everything that you will need to your god parents' house.  Palo ceremonies take place outside, so if there is any type of adverse weather make sure that you keep this in mind.

You will need to wear a pair of clothes that you don't mind getting dirty.  You will need to wear on top of this a shirt that you don't mind throwing away.

Women should wear a tank top underneath their shirts.  You will not have to take this off or ever have any of your private parts exposed.

After the ceremony is completed, you will need to have a white towel and a pair of white clothes.

For men, this will be:
  • Shoes
  • Socks
  • Pants
  • Underwear
  • Shirt
  • Hat
For women:
  • Shoes/Socks or Heels {Depending on the weather}
  • Skirt and Blouse or Dress
  • Underwear
Congratulations, you are now a palero.

Monday, December 23, 2013


Santería is an Afrocuban religion based in a variety of spiritual practices and their blending, including The Rule of Ocha, Ifa, Spiritisim, Palo, and Catholicism.  Practitioners, known as Santeros, work with a variety of life forces known as Orishas, spirits, and other natural elements and forces to help one achieve balance and accomplish their destiny.   It has many shapes and forms, and may be practiced differently in one temple to another, as well as one country to another.

It should be noted here that I am an initiate of the Ataré {Black Peppercorn} branch, and my house is of the Havana style coming from Cuba.  My intention with writing this is to alleviate much of the confusion associated with the religion.  I am in no way trying to say that this is the right way nor that I am the ultimate authority, and I encourage you to ask any knowledgeable Santero for his or her interpretations if you need extra guidance.

While Santería is a monotheistic religion, Santeros principally do not worship Olofí {God} directly.  Instead, they worship the Egun {dead, spirits} and the Orishas.  First and foremost Santeros worship the spirits that accompany us.  We believe that we are spirits having a human experience, and after dying we go back to our spiritual form, and may continue to stay on earth to conduct more missions or until our spirits have further evolved.  For any type of ceremony or religious gathering, Santeros start by praying and making offerings to their spiritual quadrant, which consists not only of their own spirit guides and ancestors but great Santeros that have come before them.

All Santeros also worship the Orishas.  There is a vast and complex pantheon of spiritual and life forces that were sent by Olofí to govern the earth and oversee human kind.  Each Orisha was given special missions and powers to execute and have their own natural elements and attributes.  Every human has a Guardian Angel, which is his or her principal Orisha that essentially helped pull this person out of the spiritual world and gave birth to them in the human world.

Santería is a beautiful religion and based on destiny and a series of signs called Oduns, which are a belief system and set of values.  In each Odun there are a number of stories, prohibitions, and pieces of advice that must be interpreted and applied to the persons everyday life.  Each sign may also be ire {positive} or ofo {negative}.  One should always seek to remain ire and listen to the advice of the Odun in order to do so.

There is no central church and no specific way to practice, but there are many generally agreed upon principals by which its practitioners should live their lives.  Santeros should always seek to be the utmost ethical and respectable of all in their community.  They must be clean and organized, as well as humble, selfless, and have respect for their elders.  Santeros believe in a karmic law, and thus should never wish negative things upon anyone else.  Outside of these general principals, each Santero is given his or her own set of Oduns by which they need to conduct their life which is completely depending upon that person's own destiny.  Also, they will have have their own set of prohibitions and advice on how to live their life.

Instead of a church, we have an Ile {temple}.  Ile is also the word for house, and in many Santería communities the principal Ile will be that of one's God-Parents.  Santeros and members of the community often get together for a variety of reasons, including religious ceremonies,  anniversaries of initiations, and feast days of the most commonly syncretized Catholic saints.

The greatest type of celebration in Santería is called a Tambor {drum}.  In this ceremony, three people will play an intricate pattern of drumming, lead by an Akpon {singer}, who calls out songs for the Orishas.  Anybody in attendance is encouraged to respond to the songs and dance.  Each tambor will be in honor of a specific Orisha.  A chosen Santero who has this Orisha crowned and has been trained in the mysteries of his or her dance will be there, with the sole purpose of dancing and eventually being mounted and possessed by the Orisha itself.

Santería is a hierarchical religion which may be practiced to a certain degree by anyone.  Initially, anyone that believes in the Orishas but has not done the full initiation to become a Santero is known as an Aleyo.  If the Aleyo would like to become a Santero, there are a variety of initiations they go through, the greatest of which is to crown their Guardian Angel onto their own head, at which point they will become an Iyawo.  Finally, after successfully completing the year long Iyaworaje, they become a Santero.

After becoming a Santero, if one desires to continue to achieve an elevated status in the religion and their Guardian Angel has given them permission to do so, there are a few positions they may seek to obtain.  First, they can become a Pinaldero.  A Pinaldero is given access to more ceremonies and given more priveledges and responsibilities in their Ile.  It also gives them the right to become an Ori Ate's apprentice.  The next step is to become an Ori Ate, or leader of ceremonies.  The highest position one can achieve is to become an Oba, or King.

Santería was born when the Spanish began enslaving West Africans and bringing them to Cuba, where they were forced to leave behind their traditional religions and convert to Catholicism.   However, their were so many similarities between the African Orishas and the Catholic Saints that they were able to instead syncretize the two and continue their beliefs.

Because of the secrecy under which it was forced in the new world, it has unfortunately turned into a controversial and often misunderstood religion.  This website is dedicated toward clarifying the confusion and helping to bring light to people that are looking to get started.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Spiritual Mass

We all have various spirits that accompany us in our daily lives.  They may be loved ones that have passed, ancestors, or spirits that may seem completely disconnected from our current lives that have been sent to us to help carry out certain missions.

A spiritual mass is a ceremony to invoke one's spiritual guides, learn who they are,  and ask for their help to clean negative energy and replace it with positive energy.  

I practice a form of Afro Cuban Spiritism that I have learned from my God Parents that is based on the works of Allan Kardec. With the help of other mediums (spiritists), we sit around a bóveda (spiritual quadrant), praying  to invoke our spiritual guides.  We also conduct ceremonies to ensure that negative spirits do not present themselves. Once present, any mediums present may begin to relay the messages the spirits would like us to know.

We can conduct a spiritual mass for $201.  The spiritual mass must be done in person.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

My start with Santería

I began my studies of Santeria, the beautiful Afro Cuban religion with its beginnings in Nigeria, after my first visit to Cuba in 2007, after coincidentally staying in a "Casa Particular" ran by Josefina [daughter of Obatala], her son Jose Luis [a babalawo and son of Chango], and her daughter Natalia [daughter of Yamaya].

I knew nothing about Santería at the time and was truly blind to the fact that I was staying with Santeros.  I went there to dance salsa, practice Spanish, and party.  Little did I know my life would change forever.

We went on a horse caraige ride one day through downtown Havana.  I remember our guide pointing out the many people walking around town that were covered from head to toe in white.  She pointed out that these people had recently made saint.  Still, I did not know she was referring to Santería, I just thought that they had a very dramatically different way of practicing Catholicism.

After several days in Havana, I began to experience culture shock quite intensely.  Although I was fluent in Spanish and had lived in Latin America for quite some time, the Cuban dialect was incredibly challenging for me.  I decided that I would ask the next time I heard a word that I didn't understand for its definition.  

Shortly thereafter, I was in front of the Casa Particular with Jose Luis and a group of his friends that came to talk to him.  As usual, I was lost in the conversation.  Someone said the word Chango, and I decided to ask what that meant.  Jose Luis got an incredibly big smile on his face and explained that in his religion, they had a pantheon of Orishas that were commonly referred to as Santos, and that everyone had a Guardian Angel.  Chango was his.  

From there Jose Luis began to describe Santería to me in great detail.  I was fascinated!  I must admit, I did find it a little crazy at first, but I have always been very respectful of others' beliefs and since I was in Cuba I wanted to take the opportunity to learn as much about the religion as possible.

My curiosity did not stop there, and I continued my studies of the religion when I came back home.  I was completely hooked, and could not get enough information.  2 years later I had met a babalawo in Denver, who determined my Guardian Angel.  I don't think this is any coincidence, but it was determined that I was son of Chango!  

Reasons I fell in love with Cuba and the Afrocuban culture:

Reasons I fell in love with Cuba and the Afrocuban culture:

  1. Complex yet simple
  2. Syncretistic yet distinct
  3. Ambiguous yet complete
Let's take a look at one of my favorite songs:  Conga Yambuba

 Here we can see a salsa version and an Afrocuban version of this song.  Let me use these two versions of this song to elaborate on exactly what I mean.

Complex yet simple

In the original version of this, the only instruments that are being played are drums and percussion.  Simple.  However, there are very complex rhythms being played, and the song being sang is completely off beat.  Next, to truly complete it, we can see that there is an accompanying dance, style of dress, and culture that is born from this song.  The call and response is intense, and the true meaning of the song is deeply hidden - on which I will elaborate more shortly.

So while on the surface most people may only see a couple of drums being played and people dancing, it is important to realize that the true beauty of this song comes out when it is played concisely, when the singer hits the right notes and the community responds, and the people dancing feel the music and make visual what the musicians would like to express.

Syncretistic yet distinct

Thanks to the slave trade, the most unique culture in the world was born, although heavily rooted in ancient traditions that somehow were preserved for centuries.  Here we can see two examples of the same song performed in two highly distinct ways, making them both right and neither wrong, just different and appealing to almost anybody depending on the version.  When I first arrived to Cuba, going back to my original point, I thought of it as an incredibly simple place, until I realized how complex the syncretism made it.  Let me elaborate:

Reading guidebooks, watching the travel channel, and looking at Cuba from the surface you would be lead to believe it is a Catholic country, just as the Spanish would have liked to believe after arriving.  However, if you dig a little beneath the surface, you will see that it is just a disguise for what the real religion is, which is Santeria.  Santeria was born from the syncretism of Catholicism and African traditions.  Today, what is practiced in Cuba is a true evolution and a blend of many traditions much more powerful than what is practiced in Africa, Spain, or anywhere else in the world today.

The words of this song in both examples are dedicated to a religion called Palo, which comes from the Congo.  The Afrocuban version is interesting because as the Muñequitos play it, it would be considered a guanguanco or rumba, but Palo has a completely different rhythm which many would argue should be only used for Palos songs.  The salsa version is very intriguing because many salseros would tell you that they love this song and have a blast dancing to it, but if they knew what it was dedicated to may be left in a complete state of shock.

Ambiguous yet complete

Let's be honest - many of us that are listening this song have never even considered the true meaning of it.  "Man, that sounds awesome" or "Cool" are things that might come to mind.  And it's true, it is very melodic and instills a certain since of meaning that we as  music fans don't need to investigate more.  We are satisfied because the complexity of such a simple song fulfills us and leaves us complete.

I have a theory that this type of music is so complex that the average person actually goes into overdrive when analyzing it and becomes subconsciously intimidated and therefor does not try to investigate in any more detail.  They are left satisfied by its ambiguity, and thus complete.

The Afrocuban culture is rich and has provided me with great joy.  I hope that you too will find happiness and be inspired to explore in more detail.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Palo Mayombe Consultation

Another type of consultation that you can do with directly with the spiritual world of Palo Mayombe. Part deity and part spirit, Palo consultations are usually for people that have serious problems that need immediate results, including:

  • Legal Issues
  • Witchcraft
  • Black Magic
  • Dark Spirits
  • Harassment
  • Insomnia
  • Health
In this type of consultation, a Palero will work with a Nganga or Prenda to determine what the problem is, what the cause of the problem is, and what the solution to the problem may be.  If the Nganga can help the person in need, the Palero will then determine what the next steps are and work with the person to resolve the problem.

Call me at 720.257.8539 to schedule a consultation.  I charge $21 for this.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Consultation with Elegua

Elegua is an Orisha and the divine messenger in our religion.  He is the owner of our destinies and can provide us with great insight into our past, present, and future.

A consultation with Elegua is extremely powerful and should be taken very seriously.  Before doing a consultation with Elegua, you should have an understanding of Santeria, some basic familiarity with each of the Orishas, and most importantly be prepared to listen to his advice.  After all, this is an Orisha that will be speaking to you!

In a basic consultation, Elegua speaks to you by way of cowry shells.  Only an experienced Santero with a good reputation should be trusted to do this consultation.  The Santero throws the shells on a matt and depending on the number of shells that fall with their face up, a sign is given.

The sign will be either ire {positive} or ofo {negative}.  Depending on the specific sign and its state, the Santero will interpret the message that Elegua is giving and discuss this with you.  You can ask as many questions as you want and will need to interpret the advice to fit your current situation.

Most consultations result with Elegua giving you advice to overcome any difficulties that you may be experiencing and informing you of different Orishas that want to help.  Elegua may instruct you to make Ebo {religious works and offerings} or do a cleansing to win the Orishas' favor.

Depending on Elegua's advice, you may be able to do the Ebo yourself or ask for the help of a Santero. It should be noted that the cycle changes every twenty-one days, and for best results you should always immediately get to work and complete everything Elegua tells you to do within this time period.

My Godfather, Echu Oba Nigüe, charges $25 for this consultation.  I can be there to help interpret from Spanish to English for an additional $30.