Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Eboses del año 2014

1.     Hay que darle de comer a Egun. 
2.     Hay que dar tambor. 
3.     Los que tengan algo azul, de cuadro, o de dobladillo, romperlo y echarle maíz tostado y jutia y llevarlo al monte.  Quien tenga un corte de tela, si iba a hacerse un vestido o algo tiene que hacer ebo con esta tela. 
4.     Hay que darle de comer a la basura de la casa. 
5.     Todos el que esté preso para hacer santo en la casa debe de consagrarse este año.
6.     La yerba del año es embeleso y paraíso.
7.     Ponerle taro de venado a Ochosí. 
8.     Dos gallos blancos a Ochosí. 
9.     Poner esposas detrás de la puerta de la casa y en el caro.
10. Hay que rogarse la cabeza con ceso vegetal.
11. Tener un tronco de almendra a Ochosí. 
12. Darle un gallo a Elegua con bastante maíz tostado, pescado ahumado, y jutia para abrir camino.
13. Hay que refrescar los collares.
14. Bañarse con embeleso.
15. Darle de comer a la tierra.
16. Hacerle fiesta a los jimaguas.  El que no tenga los jimaguas debe de recibirlos y limpiarse con frutas al pie de ellos.  Él que no los tenga, que les ruegue con frutas al nombre de ellos y les prenden una vela azul por 7 días.  Al séptimo día se llevan las frutas al monte. 
17. Maferefun Osún, darle de comer una paloma blanca.  Hay que limpiarse con un huevo y pónganselo a Osún.  Échenle cacao y cascarilla.  Téngalo por tres días con una vela blanca.   Después echar el huevo a la basura y limpiar a Osún. 
18. Ponerle bolas a Elegua.  Hay que sacarlo a la calle.  Hay que jugar con Elegua.
19. Rogar la puerta de la casa con bastante maíz tostado, pescado ahumado, y jutia.  
20. Tenemos que hacer ebo entrando y saliendo a una estación de policía.

21. Poner sonajeros en la puerta de la casa. 

Letter of the Year 2014

Letter of the Year 2014 in the Religious House/Temple of Greico, Echu Oba Nigüe, Omo Elegua

Denver, Colorado – January 7th, 2014

For the third time the letter of the year is read through the shells of Elegua for Godchildren and Friends of the house.

We do this with the resolution that en this year everyone that belongs to this religious Yoruba temple may have a guide that serves to orient him or her and bring prosperity on his or her path in life.

                            Osobo                Ikú          Otonowa       
Elegua:  2-6          9-2                     5-10                  4

Coco:  Itagua Okana 

Listen well to the conversation and the Santo’s advice for this year.  Let’s pull our ears open well.

The Osobo Iku Otonowa means that death is on top of people by the hand of Olofi.  One is born one day and dies the day that they are predestined to do so.  We have to be very respectful and careful this year.

Orisha that governs the house:  Ochosi and Oshun, with Elegua defending.

Although we must understand that this sign is completely mandated by Elegua.

Flag:  Blue and Yellow.  {Hang it behind the door.}

Proverbs of the sign:

·      Don’t let things enter in one ear and go out the other.
·      War and struggles between brothers because of possessions.
·      The hunter ends hunted.
·      Arrows between brothers because of power.
·      Flies don’t enter closed mouths {Loose lips sink ships}.
·      If you encounter rocks in your path, get rid of the ones that hinder you and you will see how they walk.

Eggun {The dead}

This year you must be very familiar with the dead and spirit guides. We must maintain a bóveda {spiritual vault}.  He who has debts with spirits must resovle them.  Spritiual masses must be done this year both in the church as much as at home.

The Orishas

Give Elegua marbles. You have to be in good agreement with Elegua.  Take him out to do things.  You have to play with Elegua. Give him a rooster a so that the roads are open and clean this year. Break a piñata and shake the maraca for him. Rogate the front door with toasted corn, smoked fish, and jutia.  Maferefun the Jimaguas.  Throw a party for them.   Do ebo with fruits in front of them.  He who does not have them may pray to them and place fruits in their name and set them with a blue candle for 7 days.  On the seventh take the fruit to the woods.  Maferefun Ochosí, the hunter of justice.  Elegua is waiting for a debt that our house has with him {the Tambor}.  We must give Echu food on the street.  Maferefun OrishaOko . Maferefun Osún.  Feed him a white dove. Clean yourself with an egg and put it on him.  Sprinkle the egg and Osún with cascarilla and cocoa butter.  Keep this for three days with a white candle.  Then throw the egg into the trash and clean Osún. Chango is always going to be a shield in the life of each of us.  All those indebted to the Orisha should comply.  We will put more heart to religion.  Learn it well so you can develop it.  Don’t use it for profit. Love the Orishas.   Anyone who can play the violin for Oshun should play.   Don’t forget to give save food from every meal for Echu.  Throw it in the street corners around your house. You have to be humble.  We cannot let our position go to our heads.  This is an Odún where today we can have a lot and have nothing tomorrow.  He who has nothing can wake up tomorrow with everything.  We don’t know from whom we may need help tomorrow.

Abures {God Brothers}

There is an arrow between god brothers and war because of possessions. Don’t use things that aren’t yours.  This sign speaks of respect and more respect between godfather and godson, as well as godson and godfather. You have to sit and talk in a religious house.  You cannot start gossip. If you are not sure what you are saying, you better keep your mouth closed. You cannot look at god brothers and sisters with loving eyes.  Many come to our temple in search of salvation and will stay but we have to understand that many will come to solve a problem and once they find what they are looking for will abandon our religious house {as birds of passage}. But in this Odún Chango says it’s not the ones that come and go but the ones that stay. He will never let this stop and there is always going to be someone who comes to the door asking the ile for salvation. We must be careful here because our friends get along with our enemys.   People come to the house to bring and take.

Money and Business

Do not loan money to anyone. Do not do business in the first three months of the year. If you are traveling then do a rogation first so that everything is fine. This speaks of wealth and property abroad. Maferefun the land and the farmers.  Eyioko Obara became rich on earth by means of the earth. Money is not everything in life. Wealth and disentanglement will come this year but we have to pray and do rogations and listen to what the Orishas indicate so that we may enjoy everything that comes. Don’t let things go in one ear and out the other.  We’ve had to do a little work to achieve things but through by way of ebo we will defeat the difficulties and good things will come. This sign speaks of money and commerce.  He who saves will always have. You have to save money.  Chango says that when luck comes you have to embrace it and make good use of it. Do not waste it and then complain of having squandered it.

La Justicia

Beware of illegal things that you do. Justice is spinning all around us.  We must make ebo with a pair of handcuffs and put them behind the door of the house. The police may come to our houses, even by mistake. Beware of looking for one thing as you may find something else.  Someone may go to jail indefinitely. Beware of papers that you sign.   This sign talks about resolving problems associated with paperwork. You have to be careful of your neighbors. There are people who are in jail that can overcome the difficulty and get out. Do not argue with authority or anyone in uniform.  We must make ebo by entering and leaving a police station.

The House

Do not drag the furniture inside the house nor complain. Anyone with a stone or magnet inside a cup or somewhere inside the house has to figure out what it wants, as it may be a guardian, amulet, or good luck charm. You cannot have anything made of plaster in the house.  Don’t pawn anything, and if you have something pawned out get it back before you lose it.  Where you don’t live you can’t make rules.  Don’t let anyone come stay with you.  In this Odún it says very clearly that someone that we take in from the street can kick us out of our own house. Don’t deny anyone a favor but we have to be careful for whom we do favors.  There are cats in the house. This speaks about a cat with gloves and boots hiding it’s claws so that the world does not see that is going to scratch us. We have to understand that this is an Odún that talks about ungrateful people.  The Orishas here are warning us of a terrible tragedy, so don’t keep weapons of any kind in the house.  Violence may not be used to overcome any difficulty.  No arguing in the kitchen is allowed.  We have to be condescending with people and very important with animals. In this Odún dogs may not be mistreated.  Do not trust your neighbors.  Put rattles on the door of the house. Where you enter you should leave.  You have to paint the house light colors.  Don’t have holes in the walls.  Fix any leaks in the house.  Play music in the house all day. Beware of packages stored en your house.  Beware of fire.  In this sign children cry at night.  We have to pay attention to what is happening to them.  Clean your house with Frankincense , myrrh , quita maldición {curse remover}, and espanta muerto {scare the dead} and clean the house with Osain’s herbs such as paradise, embeleso {rapture}, vencedor {conqueror}, etc. You have to be organized.


Don’t eat junk food or old food.   Don’t argue after eating.  Don’t leave dirty plates in the sink nor take food to your bedroom because this attracts Ikú {death} and Echu to sop it up.  Avoid eating seeds and nuts this year.  Do not eat lying in bed. Beware of soft drinks and sodas containing gases.  Do not eat raw meat. Don’t eat tongue this year because it will serve to do ebo.  Remember that a good tongue can save you but a bad one can be your destruction.  Don’t eat pumpkin, deer, lamb, nor rooster.


You have to take care of all paired organs in the body. Take care of the heart. Beware  of breathing and blood pressure problems.  Pulmonary emphysema may occur in people.  Beware the kidneys.  Beware of blood infections.  Take extra care of someone sick in the house as they can die.  You must pay attention to disease. Take care of your circulation, waist, and legs.  This speaks of someone being confined to a wheel chair for an indefinite time {handicapped}.  Exercise.  Take care of your vision {this speaks of cataracts}. Take care of your intestines. This sign speaks of constipation and migraines.  Beware of the stairs as you may suffer from a fall. We have to do things with caution. Taking care of the brain, throat and ears.

For women

Women need to take care of their breasts.  This sign speaks of pregnancy and twins. Take care of the cervix and ovaries.  Pay attention to cysts and fibroids.

For men

Men should becareful with their testicles and avoid intercourse while the woman is on her period.  This speaks of impotence. We must take care of how we feed ourselves and our nutrition.


We must take good care of the children. Do not let them stay to sleep over at other people's houses.   If you have a twin brother or sister that has already passed away, do a mass in their honor.  The children should take care of their parents, especially their mothers.   In this odún, a problem between son and father can lead to one of their deaths. The family must meet to eat together at the table, at least once a week. A united family is a powerful family. We must rescue the brotherhood of the family. We have to share things with our families.  Some families do not get along together well.  There is much pain and bitterness in the family. The family should not treat each other as dogs and cats.  Don’t envy what is not yours.  The quarrel of a child can kill his or her mother.  There are children who have disrespected their parents. Ochosí in this Odún killed his mother with a curse without knowing who he was cursing.  You have to be careful this year.   Siblings should not fight, but rather must love each other.  Change your way of life. There are arrows and blood between brothers over possessions.

Couples have to take care of each other.  Show each other off.  We must keep up appearances.  Don’t brag about your partner loving you too much.  There is always someone around your life that will envy that feeling and will want to put obstacles up so that the relationship fails. Paleros cannot have sex after working palo as disorders can arise inside your partner.  They must be cleaned before having relations. You have to be condescending to women next to us and vice versa.  We must take care of each other mutually.  You cannot mistreat each other. Do not raise your voice or hand to the woman or vice versa.   Try to listen to your woman’s advice more and let it guide, as it may serve you greatly.  Don’t ever allow yourself to come between a man or woman in anyway.  Don’t advise either of them as it can be you that is blamed for everything and loses in the end.

Varios Consejos

Do not wear red this year nor striped clothing.  Don’t curse.  Be grateful for those that treat you well.  Be careful of dogs, and do not mistreat them as they also feel. Be careful of being bitten by a dog.  Beware of tattoos this year because this Odun speaks of a blood infection caused by an infected needle. If you are thinking of altering your body in any way with plastic surgery, make sure to ask the Orisha first to ensure now is the time to do it.  Beware of change in the climate.  Don’t leave behind the sure thing for something that is uncertain. Do not go hunting. You cannot complain. There are people from the past that may return. You have to throw away everything that does not serve a purpose.  Don’t go camping and if you do then do ebo with toasted corn, smoked fish, jutia, and throw candy in the woods.  Do not mess around in the forest.  Don’t give your heart away to everyone.  All that glitters is not gold.  Everyone does not payback good deeds in kind. You have to respect the elderly.  Say things backwards to not lose your luck and so that no one knows what you are up to. Be careful not to talk in your sleep.    This Odún speaks of sleepwalking.  Put a glass of water under the bed to rest well.  If you feel that someone calls you and you are not sure who it is, don’t answer for it may be a spirit and can give you a scare.  The walls have ears. Do not be curious.  Don’t worry about things that don’t concern you.  Do not intervene in the conversation of others. There is jealousy and envy around us.  The tongue is the whip of the body.  Don’t go to bars or clubs to drink.  Because of alcohol there can be a fight and you can get hurt.  Do not tell anyone your secrets.  Beware of falling on stairs. You have to be diplomatic. Through words difficulties can be overcome.  Do not roughhouse with kids as a child may become invalid from a bad hit. Do not make fun of disabled people.  Don’t mock people. There is an elderly person or a child who will die this year. Do not be swayed by gossip or impulses.  Do not stand on street corners talking to anyone as you may be confused for someone else and may be injured be arrested by mistake. Don’t dress like anyone else. You have to do good deeds.  As much knowledge as you may have, you cannot believe that you know more than anyone else.  Through humbleness greatness is achieved.  There are hidden enemies. We must learn from past mistakes so as never to collide with the same problems.  Don’t wear ripped clothes or borrow clothes from anyone.  Don’t recommend anyone.  Don’t lose your head for the first thought that you have.  Don’t drink too much and never lose control.  Alcohol in this Odún is the worst enemy of humanity. Be careful what you do in front of children because it cause the loss of their innocence.

Ebos of the year:

1.     Do ebo and clean yourself with fruits at the foot of Jimaguas {twins}.  He who does not have them may pray to them and leave fruit in their name and light a blue candle for 7 days. On the seventh day take the fruit to the woods.
2.     Those that have a piece of blue, flannel, or doubled clothing, do a breaking with it and throw in roasted corn and jutia.  Take it to the woods.  Anyone with a piece of fabric that was going to make a dress or something has to this ebo with this fabric.
3.     Put handcuffs behind the door of the home and in your car.
4.     Maferefun Osun.  Feed him a white pigeon.  
5.     Clean yourself with an egg and put it on Osun.   Cover with cocoa butter and efun {cascarilla}. Light a candle for three days. Then throw the egg into the trash and clean Osun.
6.     Feed Ochosi two white roosters.
7.     Feed a rooster to Elegua with roasted corn, smoked fish , and jutia to open paths.
8.     Feed Egun.
9.     Feed the earth.
10. Feed the household trash.
11. Throw a drum party for the Santos.
12. If you need to crown your guardian angel, do it this year.
13. The plants of the year are embeleso and paraiso.
14. Give Ochosí deer antlers.
15. Rogate your head with ceso vegetal.
16. Put Ochosi on an almond trunk.
17. Refresh your Elekes {Necklaces}.
18. Use embeleso for spiritual baths.
19. Give a party to the twins.  
20. Whoever does not have the twins must receive them.
21. Give marbles to Elegua.  Take him out to do things and play with him.
22. Throw a party for Elegua and break a piñata for him.  Play the maraca for him.
23. Rogate the front door with toasted corn, smoked fish, and jutia.  
24. We must make ebo by entering and leaving a police station.
25. Put rattles or bells in the door of the house.

Orishas to receive this year for Santeros

1.     Olokun
2.     Abofaka para el hombre y Kofa de Orula para la mujer
3.     Ochosí
4.     Jimaguas

Elegua’s descent closed with 8. 

Inseparable friends separate.  The head is what carries the body.  What you do with your head should not be thwarted by the feet.  Wear a lot of white.  Respect and more respect.  No one knows more that anyone else.  You have to listen to this advice.

On behalf of the following people, we wish you many blessings:

·      Oni Ori Ate Greico Herrada Echu Oba Nigüe
·      Feisita Yuneisi Oliva Iya Ibu Ode
·      Typed by David Stevens Oba Adele

May Elegua Bless You!


Friday, February 14, 2014

Ebos of the year: 2014

1.     Do ebo and clean yourself with fruits at the foot of Jimaguas {twins}.  He who does not have them may pray to them and leave fruit in their name and light a blue candle for 7 days. On the seventh day take the fruit to the woods.
2.     Those that have a piece of blue, flannel, or doubled clothing, do a breaking with it and throw in roasted corn and jutia.  Take it to the woods.  Anyone with a piece of fabric that was going to make a dress or something has to this ebo with this fabric.
3.     Put handcuffs behind the door of the home and in your car.
4.     Maferefun Osun.  Feed him a white pigeon.  
5.     Clean yourself with an egg and put it on Osun.   Cover with cocoa butter and efun {cascarilla}. Light a candle for three days. Then throw the egg into the trash and clean Osun.
6.     Feed Ochosi two white roosters.
7.     Feed a rooster to Elegua with roasted corn, smoked fish , and jutia to open paths.
8.     Feed Egun.
9.     Feed the earth.
10. Feed the household trash.
11. Throw a drum party for the Santos.
12. If you need to crown your guardian angel, do it this year.
13. The plants of the year are embeleso and paraiso.
14. Give Ochosí deer antlers.
15. Rogate your head with ceso vegetal.
16. Put Ochosi on an almond trunk.
17. Refresh your Elekes {Necklaces}.
18. Use embeleso for spiritual baths.
19. Give a party to the twins.  
20. Whoever does not have the twins must receive them.
21. Give marbles to Elegua.  Take him out to do things and play with him.
22. Throw a party for Elegua and break a piñata for him.  Play the maraca for him.
23. Rogate the front door with toasted corn, smoked fish, and jutia.  
24. We must make ebo by entering and leaving a police station.

25. Put rattles or bells in the door of the house.